

Sheetmetal Machinery offer a range of machinery for bending applications including electric and hydraulic press brakes, ring rollers and bending presses. Our press brakes from SafanDarley and Coastone suit a range of requirements. Pressing forces from 18 to 300 ton and working lengths from 0.5 to 4.1 meters are available in fully electric models. Hydraulic models are available from 175 to 1250 tons with working lengths from 3.1 to 6.22 meters, tandem setups are also possible for longer part requirements allowing the machines to work independently or simultaneously.

We also offer a range of RAS machines for bending components, dependent on material type, thickness, length and part profile. The machines start with the TurboBend, and progress to TURBObend plus, FLEXIbend, GIGAbend, XL and XXL centre, Up/Down bend, and bend centre, MiniBend and MultiBend centre, the MiniBend and MultiBend can be fully automated and include automatic tool change, part manipulation and material loading.

Ring rollers and bending machines are available in a number of configurations from Italian manufacturer Simasv. For specialist copper bending applications Stierli-Bieger is your ideal choice.

  • RAS ProfileCenter

    The Profile Center is a bending center for metal components up to 3200 mm in length and 700 mm in width. The capacity of the machine is designed for 2 mm mild steel or 1.5 mm stainless steel materials. The Profile Center…

  • RAS XLT bend

    For those who form complex precision sheet metal parts like cassettes, panels, and boxes and are wanting to increase productivity, the XLT bend is a perfect fit.

  • SafanDarley E-Brake 160-200 ITC

    Based on the E-Brake 150T 3100 and 200T 4100. The SafanDarley ATC automatically places tools in the machine, adding efficiency without requiring additional space.

  • SafanDarley E-Brake Premium 35-130T

    This servo-electronic press brake represents the latest in electronic press brake technology. Features such as dual screens and cnc crowning are standard on all Ultra models. Options such as 3D back gauge, laser angle measurement and the EC40 smart control can all be equipped.

  • SafanDarley E-Brake Ultra 50-130T

    This servo-electronic press brake represents the latest in electronic press brake technology. Features such as dual screens and cnc crowning are standard on all Ultra models. Options such as 3D back gauge, laser angle measurement and the EC40 smart control can all be equipped.

  • SafanDarley H-Brake 110-170T Hybrid

    The H-Brake Hybrid is an exemplary model of sustainable thinking. Low operational cost and high energy efficiency characterise the new, unique hybrid concept. A superior combination of hydraulic and electronics.

  • SafanDarley H-Brake 500-1250T HD

    The range of heavy duty press brakes from SafanDarley. Specially designed for your exact requirements. Robust & durable construction from 500 up to 1250 ton.

  • SafanDarley H-Brake Tandem

    Besides the standard H-Brake series and the H-Brake Heavy Duty series, it is also possible to build a number of press brakes next to each other in tandem, allowing synchronous bending by multiple machines.

  • RAS MiniBendCenter 2

    The RAS MiniBendCenter is the world’s first automatic folding center for small parts. Blanks will be automatically fed, squared and measured. Tool setup is all automatic. A manipulator moves and rotates the blank automatically to…

  • RAS TURBObend

    The first folding system that knows how to run your parts. You select the part you want to create from a picture based icon library, enter the flange dimensions and angles and push one button. The control automatically programs the…

  • SafanDarley E-Brake 300T Dual Drive

    The first servo-electronic press brake in the world with a patented double pulley drive. The fully electric SafanDarley E-Brake Dual Drive is capable of sheet-bending with pressure forces up to 300…

  • EVOBEND – Long Folding machine

    Evobend – The next generation of folding technology and innovation. The new EVOBEND double bending machine is the result of decades of experience and years of research and development.

  • RAS FLEXI2bend

    The FLEXI2bend metal folding system can be used to produce almost any metal bending part geometry, a materpiece of flexibility! Unique and complex parts with high added value can be bent by the FLEXI2bend with the same precision and repeatability as simple cassettes, panels or profiles…

  • RAS GIGAbend

    An intelligent crowning system and 120 tons of clamping pressure ensure perfect folded parts on 6 mm mild steel or 4 mm stainless. Straight bends are essential for perfectly folded parts. A sturdy and solid machine design is the…

  • RAS MEGAbend

    The MEGAbend metal folding system proves the precision of updown bending on thick and thin materials. Large-size parts, difficult and labor-intensive for press brakes, are ideal for the MEGAbend…

  • RAS Multibend Center

    If you want to bend precision parts, fully automatically, at high speeds, in high quantity, regardless of batch-size, with the highest levels of flexibility and total repeatability, welcome to the next level of metal fabrication!

  • RAS Multibend-Center ECOauto

    After the RAS Multibend-Center ECO had found its fan base as an affordable entry-level solution into automatic panel bending, the request for a simple blank loading and finished parts stacking automation quickly came up, here is the solution…

  • RAS TURBO2plus

    If you want to turn conical profiles that are plugged into each other, you should seek the adjustable stop finger watch for conical bending. Parallel bends as you come to the middle area of the machine, in which the stop finger position…

  • RAS UpDownCenter 2

    The UpDownCenter-2 is a semi-automatic bending center for high precision panels and boxes up to 4060 mm bending length and up to 600 mm box height. With up to 4 mm mild steel bending capacity, it is ideal for thin and medium material thicknesses…

  • RAS XL-Center

    Based on the remarkable XXL-Center technology, RAS introduces a folding innovation for roofing and architectural profiles. With 3200 mm (124 inches) folding length at 1.5 mm mild steel (16-gauge) capacity, the XL-Center…

  • RAS XXL-Center

    Does this sound familiar? Your bread and butter is in long parts, but bending them requires two, maybe three operators. The floor space in your factory is shrinking. On the other hand the effort and cost to handle sometimes…

  • SafanDarley E-Brake 160-200T

    This servo-electronic press brake is a robust version of the Original E-Brake intended for the heavy-duty segment for pressure forces of up to 200 tons and working lengths of up to 4 metres.

  • SafanDarley H-Brake 175-400T

    The new H-Brake has a surprising number of new parts and improvements. This Hydraulic press brake includes, double pressing beam guidance, cylinder suspension with pivot bearing, a completely..

  • SafanDarley R-Brake 130T-3100

    The SafanDarley R-Brake is a revolutionary bending-cell concept based on the SafanDarley E-Brake press brake. For the SafanDarley R-Brake, the press brake and the robot have been…


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